How can your church or business support Choices Pregnancy Care Center?
There are so many ways that you can support Choices – and many ways that Choices can minister to you!
- Invite Choices’ Exec Director to speak
- Include Bulletin Announcements of Choices’ Events
- Invite prayer warriors to join Choices’ Prayer Team
- Schedule a Tour of Choices’ Facilities
- Promote Choices’ events in Newsletters
- Link to our website from yours
- Designate a Church Liaison to coordinate support
- Invite us to speak to your women’s group or youth group
- Share Choices E-Newsletter with congregation
- Feature Choices on Sanctity of Human Life Sunday
- Throw a baby shower to help stock our Baby Boutique.
- Provide office supplies for a month (or more)
- Adopt Choices as your home mission and select a project to complete at one of our facilities
- Invite us to speak to your women’s group or youth group
- Help build a Choices “in-kind support vendor list”.
- Volunteer to help with Choices’ fund-raising events
- Volunteer in ongoing positions at Choices
Business Sponsored
- Donate In-Kind Services
- Organize a company wide volunteer hours program
- Host a prospective donors luncheon
- Invite Choices to speak at your event
Family Programming
- Connect families with Choices for parent-teen mediation when they are grappling with sexual health concerns
- Invite Choices’ teen sexual integrity education team to speak at your Youth Groups
Financial Support
- Financially partner with us on a monthly or annual basis
- Shop from our Amazon Wish List
- Become a monthly donor and become our Heartbeat Hero!
- Participate in the Change for Life Baby Bottle Campaign
Post-Abortion Support (P.A.S.T. Class)
- Encourage women who have experienced abortion (1 in 4 women older than 45 in US) to attend our P.A.S.T. abortion healing program
- Connect church counselors with our P.A.S.T. Class Leaders